Thursday, July 31, 2008

"I Woke Up Today"

" a very simlpe way"

interesting lyrics brought to you by the minds of Port O'brien, a Californian band who sings mostly about fishing, boating, the weather and other marine based lifestyles. I heard of them a few months back via Blogotheque sessions and fell in love with their high powered single called "I Woke Up Today" but I never got a chance to listen to anything else they put out until yesterday, when I bought (thanks to the addictive nature of the iTunes Store) the album called All We Could Do Was Sing. Which is totally true. A good bunch of their songs are sing-alongs that make you want to throw your hands up in the air and wave them like you just don't give a care. Other songs take you in the other direction. Soft acoustic strumming and quiet singing by the leader of the pack, Van Pierszalowski.

Check 'er out.

Stand out tracks: I Woke Up Today, Fisherman's Son, The Rooftop Song

Side note: STOKED to see Bon Iver tonight in Philly!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


TV On The Radio via Letterman

Do something

Monday, July 21, 2008

Holy Cow, Manman!!

I had to delete my last post due to slow download time.

If you'd like to peep what I was trying to share...hit the link

MAN MAN on Blogotheque!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fresh Threads and Dan Deacon

You like my new blog layout?

It's under construction for the moment


This is old news to me but I figured I share it anyway.

There's this guy out there from somewhere. I think it's a place called heaven, but his name is Dan Deacon and he is fun. His music is wild and fast. His beard is beastly. And his shows are sweaty. Check out the vid below from an old Pitchfork show.

And check out some of his tracks. Enjoy!!