Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fare the well

I quit my job today. And boy, do I feel extremely relieved. That job was like a pit stop, well...more like a detour on lifes highway. It was actually like waiting at a very long red light that you'd think would change...but never would. And all the people at that stop light would only think about that light. All the time. It was their lives. The lady in the red mini van would inch up once in a while, but in the long run would just end up staying there. I on the other hand said fuck red lights. Don't need em.

Now I'm back on my road.

I hate people talking about how jobs are only for supporting families..which they are, I get that. But if you're going to work to support your family, why wouldn't you want to be happy at the same time? You see what I'm getting at? People hate their jobs, want to fucking burn the buildings and piss out the ashes, you know. Their lives are destroyed by these jobs.

I feel...that if people enjoyed their jobs, woke up every morning to face the day without the stress, the world would be a much better place.'s totally possible to get a job you like!! So why the fuck not! If you love a musician! Be a radio DJ! Be a fucking entertainer! If you love a god damned graphic designer! Work in a museum! Do something with your life that will both get you satisfaction and money to support yourself and others. That's all I'm saying.

Go for it.