Monday, January 19, 2009

video - Matt & Kim + Obama


After all the hype and heavy rotation of Animal Collective's MPP on my pod and my recent return to life [broken clavicle shiitttt] I nearly forgot about Matt & Kim's January 20th release of Grand. Might be old news to some, but whatever. Here's a video of their new song "Daylight." Looks like they had a blast making it. Good, fun, upbeat song too. Nothing else was expected. [Hey, Blogotheque, get on this shit.]

Also, check out their page @ Green Label Sounds to see up to date Matt & Kim junk including tour dates and new musics.


Tomorrow is also: Inauguration Day, BABY!!!! I just got a funny mass txt message from a friend reading, and I quote, "FWD: just a friendly reminder to shave your crotch January 20th. It's the last day for Bush! Lol Pass it on..."

Disregard the "lol" portion but the rest is fucking awesome.

I decided to leave it up to SPIN and the rest of the music blog world to give you Inauguration Day concert information.

Also, first day of school. Ugh

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