Wednesday, April 15, 2009

[MP3s] The Pomegranates "Everybody Come Outside"

Today, Tuesday April 14th [yesterday - if you want to be a technical douchebag about it] The Pomegranates released their sophomore album entitled EVERYBODY, COME OUTSIDE! on Lujo Records. With album art that looks like an epileptic easter egg, one can only imagine it to be full of energetic tunes. The title track begins with Arcade Fire/Talking Heads-like vocals yelling at EVERYBODY to COME OUTSIDE. I totally would, but it's rainy right now. And I'm in my PJ's.

The Pomegranates - Everybody, Come Outside!

The album does have it's down time with songs like Sail (Away With Me) which is thankfully not a Styx cover and Jerusalem Had A Bad Day.

The Pomegranates - Sail (Away With Me)

EVERYBODY, COME OUTSIDE certainly shows that The Pomegranates have progressed their sound since their debut LP Everything Is Alive. I look forward to hearing more. Well done

The Pomegranates - Appreciations [from Everything Is Alive]

Buy ECO now @ insound dot com

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